Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Crystal XI and SMTP

I was working on setting up the SMTP part of Crystal XI (Business Objects).

1) First error I had was "destination DLL disabled. CrystalEnterprise.Smtp" - to fix that you need to go to the CMC (central management console), click "Servers", click "reportjobserver", select "Destinations" tab and there on the list enable the "Email (SMTP)" (check it and click the "enable" button).

2) Next 2 errors were "server error. CrystalEnterprise.Smtp: SMTP_E_TCPSOCKET_OPEN(2)" and "server error. CrystalEnterprise.Smtp: SMTP_E_COMMAND_NOT_IMPL(502)". Both are related to the SMTP configuration. To fix this, click on the "Email (SMTP)" and set the Domain/Server/Port. You may need to specify login as well - depends on yout network configuration.

Everything should be ok then - to test it, create a schedule for report and check the result.

Here are some useful links I found during my investigation.

1/ How to test SMTP:

2/ SMTP issue with McAfee

3/ KB for Crystal

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