Thursday, May 26, 2016

Webpack watch not working on windows

I learned to love the webpack's "-w" option, which auto-recompiles the bundle(s) whenever source file is changed. Plus, it's really fast comparing to the full compile.
However, I ran into issue - when I moved my project from one computer to another, I found out that even though I can run webpack fine (it compiles all), it did NOT trigger the auto-recompile when I was modifying the source files.
After lots of experimentation, I found out that it was related to the folder name.
There's a bug reported already on that subject.
In short, you cannot have "(" or ")" anywhere in the path to your project.
So while this works fine:
   c:\my projects\sample1\root
This stops watch from working:
   c:\(my projects)\sample1\root